
Enterprise News
28th Meeting of 9th Board Held
Release time: 2016-06-17

China Security & Fire Co., Ltd. held the 28th Meeting of its 9th Board on June 13th, 2016. Several resolutions were passed at this meeting, including “Resolution on Wholly-owned Subsidiary Applying Bank Loan”, and “Resolution on Proposal of Holding 5th Interim Shareholders Meeting 2016”.


Directors’ meeting, right row: Chairman: Tu Guoshen (2nd from the right), Directors: Wu Qiaomin (3rd from the right; left row: supervisors: Wu Zhanxin (2nd from the left), Chen Ya’nan (1st from the left); Board Secretary: Fu Xin (1st from the right)

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  • Contact number:027-87827660
  • Company address:Building 5, Huazhong Xiaogui Mountain Financial Culture Park, No. 203, Zisha Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
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