
Enterprise News
7th Interim Shareholders Meeting 2015
Release time: 2015-12-10

Shareholders Meeting Site Chairman: Tu Guoshen (3rd from the left); Directors: Qin Yongjun (3rd from the right), Wu Qiaomin (2nd from the left); Board Secretary: Fu Xin (1st from the left); Legal Dept. Representative: Zhang Xin (2nd from the right); Securities Dept. Representative: Chen Xuanbi (1st from the right).

China Security & Fire Co., Ltd. held its 7th Interim Shareholders Meeting 2015 on December 4, 2015 in Haitang Hall, 2F, Conference Center of Raddison Blu Hotel Shanghai Hongquan. Directors, supervisors, senior managers and shareholders attended this meeting, which included a general meeting, onsite voting and online voting. At the meeting, the “Resolution by the Chairman on Proposal of Disposing Unused Real Estate through Authorization” and the “Resolution on Agreement that Hong Kong Subsidiary Apply for Loans and Offer Guarantee for the same” were passed.

During the meeting, the chairman of the board of directors of the company and the company's executives and shareholders of the company.

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  • Contact number:027-87827660
  • Company address:Building 5, Huazhong Xiaogui Mountain Financial Culture Park, No. 203, Zisha Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
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