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China Security Co., Ltd
Founded in 1987 and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1990 (stock code SH600654), the predecessor of China Security Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Security"), Feile Shares, is one of the earliest listed companies in China.

As a system integrator in the smart city industry, China Security Technology has multiple subsidiaries located throughout the Asia Pacific region. To date, it has employed over 10000 people and gradually formed three major business models: smart security product manufacturing, smart security operation services, and smart city solutions. Our intelligent security products are used in multiple application scenarios such as business, healthcare, and home; Smart security operation services cover Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, and Australia; Smart city solutions provide solutions for building digital cities in various areas such as transportation, healthcare, education, and cybersecurity
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  • Contact number:027-87827660
  • Company address:Building 5, Huazhong Xiaogui Mountain Financial Culture Park, No. 203, Zisha Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
Copyright 2015-2019 China Security Co., Ltd    | 鄂ICP備2022010799-1號滬公網安備31010702002659號
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