
Enterprise News
21st Meeting of the 9th Board and 16th Meeting of the 9th Supervisors Committee Held
Release time: 2016-04-11

China Security & Fire Co., Ltd. held the 21st Meeting of its 9th Board and 16th Meeting of the 9th Supervisors Committee on April 7, 2016. Resolutions such as “Resolution on the Plan for Non-public Offering of Debentures” and “Resolution on Establishment of A Wholly-owned Subsidiary in Shanghai” were passed in the Directors’ Meeting. The “Resolution on Supplementing Supervisors” was passed in the Supervisors’ Meeting.

China Security & Fire will publicly issue debentures of no more than RMB1.1 billion to eligible investors. Upon China Securities Regulatory Commission’s (CSRC) approval, China Security & Fire may issue these debentures at one time or spread across several issues. The debentures will expire three years later.

Directors’ Meeting:Right row:Chairman Tu Guoshen (3rd from the right); Directors: Wu Qiaomin (4th from the right), Wu Zhiming (5th from the right), Hao Jun (2nd from the right), Qin Yongjun (1st from the right) Let row Supervisors:Wang Yike (1st from the left); Board Secretary, Fu Xin (2nd from the left)

Supervisors’ Meeting:Left row:Supervisors:Wang Yike (1st from the left); Board Secretary, Fu Xin (2nd from the left)

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  • Contact number:027-87827660
  • Company address:Building 5, Huazhong Xiaogui Mountain Financial Culture Park, No. 203, Zisha Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
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